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Laws & Regulations

Lawsย are adopted by the National Assembly and the Senate, and promulgated by the King or the acting Head of State. Laws must be in strict conformity with the Constitution.

A Royal Decreeย is issued by the King in the exercise of his constitutional powers. A Royal decree must be in strict conformity with the Constitution.

Sub-Decrees are adopted by the Council of Ministers and signed by the Prime Minister. Sub-decrees must be in strict conformity with the Constitution and conform to the Law to which it refers.

A Prokasย is a ministerial or inter-ministerial decision signed by the relevant Minister(s). A proclamation must conform to the Constitution and to the law or Sub-Decree to which it refers.

A Circularย is an instrument that a Ministry or higher authority use to clarify a point of law or to provide instructions. A circular is only advisory and does not have the force of law.

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